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Parent Participation

Parent Advisory Committee (P.A.C.)

Meeting and Agenda Items

A PAC meeting is held once a month throughout the year in our Learning Commons. The dates of these meetings are established during our first meeting in Septemeber and are advertised onthe schools website and in newsletters. 

On occasion we have a guest speaker give a 10-15 minute synopsis on a topic we feel is of interest to parents (gifted program, speech therapy, etc.). We encourage parents to attend these meetings and learn about all the interesting issues that go into making a school run smoothly for everyone. Any parent or guardian of a child enrolled at Westview Elementary may submit an agenda item.

School Based Teams


The school-based team (SBT) provides a support network to teachers and parents of at-risk and special needs students in the school. Our aim is to enable all students to achieve their individual potential.

The SBT usually consists of the student support services teacher, learning assistance teacher, a classroom teacher, a special education teacher, a counsellor, an administrator and parents or guardians. Other members, if required, may include the district psychologist, the speech and language pathologist, the teacher of gifted students and community agency staff.

Our school based team meets every Tuesday morning from 8:00 - 9:00. Students requiring additional support are referred to SBT by their teachers. Parents are invited to SBT meetings and are encouraged to be part of the problem solving as we attempt to meet student needs.

Learning Enrichment Centre

Learning opportunities in the Learning Enrichment Centre are designed to provide small group intervention or enrichment opportunities and individual support for students requiring modifications or adaptations to the regular classroom curriculum. Activities that extend or enrich the regular classroom program are:

  • Social Skills Groups
  • Social Interaction/Play
  • Counseling
  • Gifted Program
  • Language Arts and Math Skill Program
  • Phonological Awareness Program
  • Speech Therapy

These programs are coordinated through the Learning Enrichment Centre Team.

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