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French Immersion

Bienvenue à Brooks Secondaire!

We are very proud to offer the Secondary level French Immersion program in Powell River, a natural extension to the early Immersion Programme at James Thomson Elementary.  Our first French Immersion graduates crossed the stage in 2021-2022.  Currently approximately 8% of our school's population is in the French Immersion program, but the number grows every year. 

What is French Immersion?

The French Immersion program is intended for non-French speaking students who wish to develop a high level of proficiency in both French and English. Students will become bilingual and acquire an understanding and appreciation of Francophone cultures.  The program is based on the BC curriculum and the various learning opportunities, activities, instruction, and resources parallel those of our Brooks English-stream program.

Curriculum & Course Planning

Middle Years Program (Grade 8-9)

French Language CoursesEnglish Language Courses

Grade 8

50% of instruction in French language

Français langue seconde-immersion 8

Sciences Humaines 8

Sciences 8

Mathématiques 8

Education à la carrière 8

English Language Arts 8

Physical & Health Education 8

Electives 8 (ADST, Arts Education)

Grade 9

50% of instruction in French language

Français langue seconde-immersion 9

Sciences Humaines 9

Sciences 9

Mathématiques 9

Education à la carrière 9

English Language Arts 9

Physical & Health Education 9

Electives 9 (ADST, Arts Education)

Graduation Program (Grade 10, 11 and 12)

To graduate with a diplôme de fin d’études secondaire en Colombie-Britannique, a student enrolled in a French Immersion Program must successfully complete the following in addition to the regular requirements (80 credits):

  • Français langue seconde – immersion 10 *
  • a Français langue seconde – immersion 11 course **
  • Français langue seconde – immersion 12***, and
  • earn at least 12 credits in Grade 10, 11, or 12 courses that are in French with at least 4 of those credits earned in courses at the Grade 11 or 12 level.

Download or view the French Immersion Graduation Planner here:

The following courses are offered at Brooks for the French Immersion graduation requirements for the 2021-2022 school year:

Grade 10

Français langue seconde-immersion 10 *

Éducation au choix de carrière et de vie 10

Sciences Humaines 1

Grade 11

Langue et culture de la Francophonie 11 **

E虂tudes du cine虂ma et de la litte虂rature 11

Grade 12Français langue seconde-immersion 12***

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