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General Information

School Office

Hours8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Telephone604 483-3171
Fax604 483-3127

Brooks Course Handbook 2023-2024

Newsletters - Weekly

Our weekly school newsletter, is sent out via email, and posted on our website numerous times throughout the school year.  It is a great source of information about our school. Please make sure the school office staff has an up to date email on file.

Study Periods

Students on study periods are required to be working on school assignments in designated areas, and must be out of the hall, cafeteria and in one of these locations when the bell rings. In some circumstances, students may be assigned to a particular location for their study period.

Vending Machines

Beverage dispensers for water and fruit juices are available.  Snacks are also available in a number of the machines located throughout the building. Students are asked to not use the vending machines during any study or instructional time.


Students are assigned textbooks.  There is no rental fee charged; however, a student who loses or damages a textbook will be assessed a replacement or damage fee.  Report cards, transcript copies and other important information services will not be provided until textbook charges have been paid.  Refunds will be given if lost textbooks are found and returned. DO NOT WRITE in textbooks. Check your textbooks for writing when they are issued. Report any damage to the Book Room.


If you wish to receive information via email, please contact the office with your current email address.


Lockers are the property of the school and the contents of lockers are subject to school supervision.  Lockers are assigned during the first week of school.  Each locker must have a combination lock on it.  A lock can be purchased at the office or students may bring them from home. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their lockers.  To avoid loss of textbooks and personal belongings, students should not tell other students their lock combinations.  The school is not responsible for items lost from a locker.  A lost or damaged lock is to be replaced at the student's expense.  Locker damages or problems should be immediately reported to the office.

The school reserves the right to revoke locker privileges for neglect or abuse of the locker.  Students can expect the examination of lockers and locker contents at any time.

Students may decorate the inside of the locker as long as what is used meets the following conditions:

1. It can be removed easily.

2. It is in good taste.


All school and district rules apply when students use the school district transportation system including buses and ferries.  Bus cards will be issued to all eligible riders.  It is a privilege to ride a school bus. Students must remain seated and follow the instructions of the bus driver. Students may not drive their own vehicles or ride with friends to any school curricular functions without a signed consent form available at the office.

Student Vehicles

Students parking vehicles at the school are asked to keep their parking stall clean from debris and litter.  Car owners must obey restricted parking signs around the school and drive with care and safety on or around school property. Students are not to park in the upper lot at any time. Parking in unassigned areas could result in removal of vehicle privileges at Brooks. Parking in restricted areas is subject to towing at the owner's expense. Unsafe driving on or near school grounds will be reported to the RCMP and will result in disciplinary action.  Students are not to ride in the back of pick up trucks or on top of any vehicle.  Students attending school functions must ride in approved vehicles.  The school is not responsible for damages that may occur to student vehicles while parked on or nearby school property.

Recycling & Litter

Everyone is encouraged to use the containers that are provided for paper and drink containers.

Brooks is your school.  Be proud of it.  Take care of your school by making sure that the hallways, classrooms and grounds are not littered with discarded paper, lunches, drink cans and other materials.  By developing pride in a clean environment, our school will be a better place for everyone. 

Lost and Found

Articles found in and around the school should be turned in at the main office where the owners may claim their property by identifying it.


Students are warned not to bring large sums of money, electronic devices or valuables to school.  During PE class, items such as watches and jewellery should never be left in the changing room. Bikes should be locked up securely at all times. Students are responsible for the care and safety of all their personal belongings.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices may only be used in the school during non-instructional time or with the express consent of the instructor. Phones must be turned off, remain on silent mode during class time, and be stored away securely while in class.  Failure to do so may result in confiscation and progressive discipline. Confiscated phones will remain in a secure location. Cameras are not to be used at any time around the building without permission of a staff member. The school cannot be responsible for the loss or theft of any electronic devices. 

B.Y.O.D. - Bring Your Own Device

Students and staff may bring their own technology tools to school and access our wireless. Users are required to accept the following terms of use prior to connecting to the SD47 student network:

  • SD47 is providing wireless connectivity as a student service and offers no guarantees that any use of the wireless connection is in any way secure, or that any privacy can be protected when using this wireless connection.
  • Use of the SD47_BYOD wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user, and SD47 is not responsible for any loss of any information that may arise from the use of the wireless connection, or for any loss, injury or damages resulting from the use of the wireless connection.
  • Once on the WiFi network, all users will have filtered internet access just as they would on any other PLNet connected device. All teacher users will be filtered at the student level when using personal technology devices
  • For more information check out: www.sd47.bc.ca/depart/byod/

Active Transport: Wheels, Bikes, Skateboarding 

These are only to be used to arrive and go home with.  Proper safety equipment including helmet and are not permitted on school property as it poses a safety risk for bystanders.


Hats may be worn in the school but students need teacher permission to wear them in classes.


A free student phone is available for general student use.  The free phone is located near the school office.  The office telephone is not for general use.

Accidents, Illness, Extended Illness

Any accidents occurring in the school, while on a school function or on school property, should be reported immediately to the office where first-aid treatment and emergency services will be provided, if needed.  There is first-aid equipment available in the school, as well as staff with St. John's First Aid training and/or C.P.R. training.

If necessary, a ride will be provided to the hospital or an ambulance will be called.  In the case of a serious accident, every effort will be made to contact the student's parents and physician.  If students become ill during the school day, contact the office and arrangements will be made for you to go home. If you are ill for an extended period of time, inform the school office and counsellors so that Home/Hospital teacher services may be provided.

Students who become ill while at school must not leave without notifying the office and signing out.

Withdrawing from School

If you are leaving school, either transferring to another school or withdrawing, see a counsellor to fill out a Withdrawal/Transfer form.  Textbooks must be returned and records updated.  Students will be expected to pay for lost or damaged textbooks.

PE Requirements

All students must have shorts or sweat pants, a t-shirt and running shoes for all PE classes. Students unable to participate in PE for an extended period of time must bring a medical note from a physician which clearly states dates or time periods when PE classes are to be missed.  In such cases, students will be assigned theory work on a PE topic related to the class activities.

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