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Communication Strategy

Families can expect regular communication from our school in the following ways:

  1. Weekly School Communication (Week-at-a-Glance or WAG): Is the most reliable form of information.  This is published and shared (via email and to the school website) every weekend. 
  2. Monthly School Newsletters: The newsletter is published the first week of every month.  It will be emailed directly to families as well as archived on our school website. We suggest you read them together with your child to review and anticipate the happenings at our school. Our school also provides a calendar to families each September with important dates pre-marked.
  3. Targeted Emails: will be sent out with timely or relevant information and reminders, from events to updates.
  4. School Website Calendar.
  5. Social Media: follow along ( and ) for updates and celebrations of all the great community events and deep learning happening at the school.

Pick-up and Drop-off

Families that drive their child(ren) to and from school should pick-up and drop-off their child(ren) close to bell times.  Supervision is limited to 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after school bell times.


School assemblies are held monthly and communicated in the WAG and school website calendar.


Your cooperation in notifying the school is appreciated. You may call in student absences (planned or unplanned) the following ways:

  1. Directly to the school office at 604-487-9022
  2. In the School Messenger App
  3. Email your teacher or the principal

Arriving Late/Leaving Early and Appointments

If your child arrives late or leaves early, please check-in at the office to record the time and reason. Please ensure all emergency contact names and numbers are up-to-date. While most absences are unavoidable, please be aware of the connection between good attendance and school achievement.

Prolonged Absence

When a student is hospitalized or confined to home for a prolonged period of time, the services of a home/hospital teacher may be available. Please contact the school office to learn more about about this service.

School Closure

In the event of heavy snow or power failure or other issue that impacts our buildings ability to be open safely, please listen to local radio station FM 95.7 or FM 97.3, visit the school district website for information on school closures, read your email, and check social media.

After School Care and After School Programs

After school programs are offered through the KCCSA Office. Please call 604-487-9925 for more information.


Our school is personal device free from bell-to-bell.  This includes smartphones, iPods, tablets and gaming devices.

Lost and Found

These many items are stored on the shelves in the main hall across from the office.  To lessen loss please make sure your child's name is clearly marked on ALL school items. Please encourage your child to check for lost items before replacing them, at least once a term. We have a "Lost and Found Parade" once a month to reunite lost items with their owners. At the end of each term the remaining items are donated to a charity.


Please do not bring valuables to school.  This includes (but is not limited to) money, earbuds or headphones, MP3s, smartphones, tablets, gaming devices or trading cards.

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