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Schools are not allowed to administer any form of medication, including Aspirin or Tylenol, without a special form, Administration Of Medication At School being filled out and signed. Please contact administration or the school secretary.

Head Lice

Not a pleasant topic but they do occur from time to time in all elementary schools. Head lice are a nuisance and are easily passed from child to child. At Kelly Creek we deal with them in the following manner:

Regular head checks are done by trained parent volunteers. All cases are handled in a caring and confidential manner.

When a case of head lice is confirmed, the parent is informed and information on how best to handle the problem is sent home with the child. Children with head lice should  receive treatment and be checked again to ensure they are lice free.

Please remember that the presence of lice does not in any way suggest uncleanliness; the louse actually prefers clean hair! Please contact the school if you discover head lice as the class will need to be checked. Thank you for your support and patience with this issue.

Procedures Earthquake

In case of an earthquake children will use the earthquake procedure explained at school - Stop Drop And Cover.

After the earthquake subsides the students will be led to the playing field. If the building is declared safe: Students will be brought back to their classes.

Teachers will cross the student's name off their emergency list IF a parent/emergency contact takes the child home.

If buses are running children not already picked up will be sent home at the regular time.

If buses are NOT running at 2:20 pm, children not already picked up will be assembled in one area and supervised until a parent/emergency contact arrives OR until directed to another reception area by the Provincial Emergency Coordinator for our district.

Kelly Creek Community School is a Designated Earthquake Reception Area.

Emergency Evacuation-Fire Drill

The procedure to be followed is outlined in the general emergency evacuation procedures. In addition the teacher should designate one student to turn off the lights and close the doors when the classroom has been cleared.

The school should be cleared in a time of 90 seconds or less.

Division reports should be delivered to the front command centre in 4 minutes or less.

Emergency Procedure-Bomb Threat

Upon receiving a bomb threat, the following actions will occur:

Principal/Secretary will advise classroom teachers/TAs/staff to evacuate their classrooms/areas to their safe area immediately. Regular emergency evacuation procedures will be followed.

  • Principal/Secretary will immediately contact the RCMP.
  • Teachers/staff/students will remain in safe areas until all danger has been eliminated.
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